Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bad Blogger

I've missed almost all of July.  Yikes.  I could dream up all kinds of reasons why I haven't posted, but I have the sneaking suspicion that I don't have that much to say.  My family and I are going to Sanibel, Florida (average daytime temperature, 134 degrees) next week, so maybe that will inspire me.

Meanwhile, wanna see some really hideous cakes?  Look here.


Anonymous said...

A blog devoted to hideous cakes with a link to a blog devoted to misuse of quotation marks.

Will the wonders of the internet never cease?

LDP said...

I know! We live in the greatest era ever!

Michelle said...
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Karyn said...

Ooooh, cake. I am all about cake.

Even hideous ones.

Wasn't that a movie with Kate Winslet - Hideous Cakey? Something like that.