Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Streets are Filled with Broken Hearts.

I admit, over the years, I haven't been very good about getting involved in the issues that are important to me. I might have donated a little money here and there, but I've never marched in protest over anything. I've never attended a sit-in. I've never gone on strike or even refused to cross a picket line. That's a lack of commitment on my part, I guess, and not something I'm particularly proud of.

That said, who the hell has the time or inclination to protest a department store's name change? Why, Mr. Jim McKay, head of "Field Fans Chicago" does, of course:

He led the crowd in a moment of silence on State Street, then rallied them to fight for the Field's name.

"We wouldn't let the New York Giants take over Soldier Field, why are we letting Macy's take over Marshall Field's?"
Oh, excellent point there, Mr. McKay. And a moment of silence? The perfect way to commemorate the acquisition of one corporate behemoth by another. I wonder, though, do you realize Macy's bought Marshall Field's and changed the name over a year ago? It must be good to know you're not alone, strength in numbers and all that:
Darrid Morris of Columbus, Ohio, said he's shopped from coast to coast but has never found a store with the level of service and quality of Marshall Field's. He's dedicated a Web site, Darrid.com, to his love for the store.

"It's standing up for what you believe in," said Morris. "I believe a Chicago icon should remain a Chicago icon."
I, for one, would like to thank Mr. Morris for taking a break from his coast-to-coast shopping, to raise public awareness of this important issue. Maybe I'll send him a check.


Anonymous said...

i too am an apathetic protestor. I toss a few dollars to the fringe-group of the month and figure there are people out there who's time is a lot less valuable than my own who can carry the picket signs. (that makes me feel guilty all the time. oh well)

it was those marshall field bastards that took over Hudson's a few years back.

Misplaced said...

"...but I've never marched in protest over anything. "

I don't believe that's true. I seem to remember you marching in a protest regarding civil rights in Nicaragua- I don't recall if you were for or against these rights but I do remember you growing bored with the requisite angry chant after 20 minutes and commencing to chant "I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream"

I only remember this because I was wearing my new baby seal Speedo and my iguana cowboy boots I looked fantastic- but struck out with the protester chicks.

LDP said...

Well, twenty minutes was all it took. Nicaragua was all better. Yeah . . . (self-satisfied chuckle) we managed to get a few things accomplished (brief pause to nod knowingly and absorb the adulation). Plus, it was really, really warm that day, and who doesn't like ice cream in weather like that? I'm sure the Nicaraguans do.

K. said...

Ha - who are the people who took time build a makeshift plane out of plywood???

oh - the ernie thing - he emailed me to apologize. seriously.

Karyn said...

Well said, you.

But if you're going to send a check to Macy's, make sure you get a nice pair of shoes or something in return.

(That was a joke.)


Darrid said...

Remember, Target changed the name of Hudson's and Dayton's, not Field's. Target still owns the right to both of those names. Maybe Target should buy Macy's and fix everything.